Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Jack Woodward Lawyer: The Nuchatlaht Case is 'Historic'

In its recent article on the Nuchatlaht Aboriginal-title claim, the CBC offered insight in why this legal case is considered "historic."

Jack Woodward lawyer, representing the Nuchatlaht explains what makes this case so noteworthy. According to Woodward, it is the first case to follow in the footsteps of the precedent-setting Tsilhqot'in Supreme Court decision in 2014 (a case that Woodward also led). The Nuchatlaht are directly applying that decision in their case against the government.

As Woodward says, "they are entitled under Canadian under Canadian law to inherit the lands that their grandparents owned and this is simply a claim to enforce that."

And, in case you were wondering, there other First Nations working on similar Aboriginal-title claims.

Catch the full story here: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/nuchatlaht-files-aboriginal-land-title-case-bc-supreme-court-1.3945593

Monday, 30 January 2017

Jack Woodward Leading Nuchatlaht Aboriginal-Title Claim in B.C.

In a recent Aboriginal-title claim filed against the federal and British Columbia provincial governments, the Nuchatlaht First Nation asserts is has been unable to use and manage their resources sustainably as a result of government interference.

The law suit seeks the governments to recognize aboriginal title to the Nuchatlaht’s territory on the west coast of Vancouver Island and to the elimination of Western Forest Products logging in the region.

Representing Nuchatlaht, Jack Woodward lawyer said: “The land has been devastated by logging. You know how [the Islamic State] recently destroyed Palmyra? This is the same. The [culturally modified] trees that are an archeological record have been trashed right before their eyes.” 

The province is currently gathering information on the case. Stay tuned for further details.

Friday, 20 January 2017

Diving Into the Complex Area of Aboriginal Land Interests in Canada

Curious about Aboriginal law in Canada? You better pack a big lunch, because it's a complicated process.

For those who are interested in learning more about Aboriginal land and treaties rights, I've written an article listing out 16 different types of land interests. Like I said, it's a complex arena. That being said, most lawyers and notaries will likely only engage in two or three categories.

Here's the article:

Jack Woodward, Lawyer: 16 types of Aboriginal Interests in Land that May Be Encountered by Lawyers and Notaries in BC